I have to admit it has been great being able to post my own #WhyIBbWorld’s and to read the tweets of others. I have found many a kindred spirit in the reasons posted online. Reading all these great #WhyIBbWorld tweets made me start to take a deeper look at why I attend Blackboar...
Come into my lap and sit in the center of your soul. Drink the living waters of memory and give birth to yourself. What you unearth with stun you. You will paint the walls of this cave in thanksgiving. —Meinrad Craighead 46 You are confined only by the walls you build yourself Life...
Research on the importance of writing in geography lessons has shown that there are still clear deficits in this direction [50]. 6. Conclusions The essentially positive feedback from the students on working with personal narratives supports our concern to demand greater use of authentic personal ...
And then maybe also move more things from my room in my parents’ house to Delft, because there are a lot of things there, but they weren’t useful to bring because I did not know how long I would stay here, because I know now that I would be here for only two months, it feels...