Montagne, Sabine
God Put Me Here: Clergywomens Experiences in Ordained Ministry.SuckleNelson, Jessica A
The Franklin Heights Coalition: Put Some Jazz into your Franklin HeightsYoung, Barbara NewmanGilbert, Linda
Johnston, Evan Michael
All the Married Ladies: Adverse Tax Consequences of Married Filing Separately (or Reasons Not to Put a Ring on It)Lipman, Francine
2005. “Have We Put an End to Social Promotion? Changes in Grade Retention Rates Among Children Aged 6 to 17 From 1972 to 2003” Master’s thesisDepartment of Sociology, University of Wisconsin–MadisonFrederick, C. B., & Hauser, R. M. (2008). Have we put an end to social pro...
Direct Democracy, Majority Tyranny, and Minority Stress: Should Same-Sex Marriage Be Put to a Popular Vote?Hayne, Cheryl Lyn
Humor Orgies as Ritual Insult: Putdowns and SolidarityMurphy, Scott Patrick
Can Ecuador put the genie of higher education back in the bottle? Equity and access in a deregulated systemPost, David
Litt, J. (2008) `Getting out or staying put: an African American's women's network in evacuation from Katrina'. NWSA Journal. 20(3) (New Orleans: a special issue on gender, the meaning of place and the politics of displacement). pp. 32-48.Litt, J. (2008). Getting out or ...