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Kids Definition put in verb 1 : to make or make as a request, offer, or declaration put in a plea of guilty put in for a job at the store 2 : to spend at some activity or place put in six hours at the office 3 : plant entry 1 sense 1a put in a crop 4 : to ...
Define put (someone) in (someone's) place. put (someone) in (someone's) place synonyms, put (someone) in (someone's) place pronunciation, put (someone) in (someone's) place translation, English dictionary definition of put (someone) in (s
The meaning of PUT is to place in a specified position or relationship : lay. How to use put in a sentence.
Definition of be put in (one's) place in the Idioms Dictionary. be put in (one's) place phrase. What does be put in (one's) place expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
put in See also:putin,Putin,andpuțin English Verb putin(third-person singular simple presentputs in,present participleputting in,simple past and past participleput in) Translations Anagrams input
Mary is putting her nose in their affairs. 玛丽在干预他们的事。 Definition: make everything special for someone else 在别人面前摆架子 They really put on the Ritz for us last weekend. Put 的短语 Put 的短语 put away 收拾;放妥;放弃 put off 推迟;延期 put on 上演;穿上 put… into 表达;...
Define put in for. put in for synonyms, put in for pronunciation, put in for translation, English dictionary definition of put in for. to place, set; to assign, attribute Not to be confused with: putt – to hit a golf ball with a light stroke Abused, Con
1.Put a cork in it!Definition: Be quiet 安静下来 Could you please put a cork in it?!能请你安静一下吗?!Tom, put a cork in it! I can't hear what Mary is saying.汤姆,安静下来!我都听不清玛丽在说什么了。2.Put down Definition: criticize someone 批评某人 Jack put him ...
The meaning of PLACE/PUT ONE'S TRUST IN is to believe that (someone or something) is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. : to trust. How to use place/put one's trust in in a sentence.