to drink or eat, especially in a large quantity; finish off: to put away a hearty meal after jogging. to confine in a jail or a mental institution: He was put away for four years. to put (an animal) to death by humane means: ...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> killput to sleepkill gently,...put asidestop usingconfinelagremandput behind barsjuglock up or co...close outtossflingdisposecast outthrow or cast...confinelocklock uplock inshut upplace in a pl...put away verb Syno...
v lock up or confine, in or as in a jail v stop using v kill gently, as with an injection v eat up; usually refers to a considerable quantity of food v turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily Synonym(s) lock in lock away lock shut up shut away lock up discard...
3. He put the food away in the cupboard. 他把食品在橱里放好。 4. Put away your things and keep them a while. 把你的东西收好,暂时保存起来。 5. put away的意思 5. Let's put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while.
acorrect the following sentences by using expressions from the text,then put a definition,a synonym,or translantion of the corrected expression in the space provided 改正以下句子通过使用表示从文本,然后投入定义、校正的表示的同义词或者translantion在提供的空间[translate]...
to drink or eat, especially in a large quantity; finish off: to put away a hearty meal after jogging. to confine in a jail or a mental institution: He was put away for four years. to put (an animal) to death by humane means: ...