The meaning of PUT IN A GOOD WORD is to say something good about someone. How to use put in a good word in a sentence.
Manny: I'll put in a good word for you. 我会帮你向上帝美言几句。 Jay: You're the best, kid. 好儿子,你最棒了。 Tell Ben that I'll put in a good word for him. 告诉本,我会为他说好话的。《末日崩塌》。 ● 你说的,我可没说 英文怎么说...
1) put in a good word for him 给他说句好话 2) He doesn't say anything. 他一句话都不说。 3) Spoke well of them. 说他们的好话 4) He is easily persuaded 他这人好说话. 5) in other words... 换句话说 例句>> 6) make a pitch for ...
女朋友告诉我她想和我分手,我真不知该从何说起。put 在此是表述;表达之意。其英文释义为 to express a thought in words. 看看put 在此意下的相关表达。Let me put it this way. 让我们这么说吧。Let's put it this way, you are a cheapskate.我们这么说吧,你真是个小气鬼。Put in a good w...
put in 1. To make a formal offer of: put in a plea of guilty. 2. To introduce, as in conversation; interpose: He put in a good word for me. 3. To spend (time) at a location or job: I put in eight hours at the office. 4. To plant: We put in 20 rows of pine trees. ...
put in 是【动词+副词】构成的短语动词,可以及物,也可以不及物 put into 是【动词+介词】构成的短语动词,只能用作及物动词,即必须有宾语 A: put in 1.(使)在内; 把…放于…中 He put his head in at the window.他从窗口把头伸进来。2.打断, 插嘴 “Don't forget us, ” she ...
6. (Music, other) to set (words) in a musical form (esp in the phrase put to music) 7. (foll by at) to estimate: he put the distance at fifty miles. 8. (foll by to) to utilize (for the purpose of): he put his knowledge to good use. 9. (Breeds) (foll by to) to ...
One day a young man put an ad in most of the newspapers in England.He said that his parents 1 him millions of pounds.He graduated from Oxford University.Everyone knows this university is one of 2 universities in the world.So he had got great educatio
You're very good at football.解析:“be good at” 是固定短语,意为 “擅长”,在此句中表达 “你非常擅长足球”。I think he can do that well.解析:“I think...” 是常见的表达 “我认为...” 的句式,后面接从句 “he can do that well”,表示 “他能把那个做好”。Can they pass the ball...
put in 1.To make a formal offer of:put in a plea of guilty. 2.To introduce, as in conversation; interpose:He put in a good word for me. 3.To spend (time) at a location or job:I put in eight hours at the office. 4.To plant:We put in 20 rows of pine trees. ...