1、七项习惯:积极主动(be proactive)+以终为始(beging with the end in mind)+要事第一(put first things first)+双赢思维(think win/win)+知彼解己(seek first to understand, then to be understood) 统合综效(synergize)+不断更新(sharpen the saw) 2、成熟模式图(maturity continuum):依赖(dependence)...
Put First Things First 高效能人士的The 7 HABITSof 七个习惯HighlyEffectivePeople The7HABITS HABITHABITHABITHABITHABIT 1:BeProactive®积极能动2:BeginwiththeEndinMind®以终为始3:PutFirstThingsFirst®要事第一4:ThinkWin-Win®双赢思维5:SeekFirsttoUnderstand,ThentoBeUnderstood®知彼解己HABIT6:...
Put First Things First: Manage yourself. Organize and execute around priorities. Think Win/Win: See life as a cooperative, not a comprehensive arena where success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others. Seek First to Understand: Understand then be understood to ...
Habit③:Put first things first02 36 2024-08 10 Habit③:Put first things first01 28 2024-08 查看更多 猜你喜欢 810 The 8th HABIT by:瑛行 3.1万 The Power of Habit by:EveryOtherDay 2万 Breaking the Habit of Being by:YingWangevolving ...
Habit 3: Put first things first 1) The power of independent will • Habit 1 says, “You are the creator.” It’s based on the four unique human endowments of imagination, conscience, independent will, and self-awareness. Habit 2 is the first or mental creation. It’s based on ...
So we knowwhyit’s important to put first things first, buthowdo we do it? What are the best “management” practices to help us properly order our priorities? Frontloading Your Life, or, You Are Your Morning Routine Habit #3 is the one I’ve previously written about more than any ot...
Habit 3: Put first things first 1) The power of independent will • Habit 1 says, “You are the creator.” It’s based on the four unique human endowments of imagination, conscience, independent will, and self-awareness. Habit 2 is the first or mental creation. It’s based on imagina...
网络释义 1. 要事第一 人生必读80本书 ... 2、以终为始 BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND 3、要事第一PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST4、双赢思维 THIN… www.douban.com|基于753个网页 2. 重要的事要先做 高效人士的七种习惯 -... ... Habit 3:Put First Things First重要的事要先做Habit 4:Think Win-Win...
Put first things first批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 A most helpful habit There’s a saying that fate is determined by character, while character is determined by habits. One can benefit a lot from a good habit all his life. And ‘PUT FIRRST THINGS FIRST’ is a habit which ...
the power of habit by:听友2127726 3.1万 The Power of Habit by:EveryOtherDay 2万 Breaking the Habit of Being by:YingWangevolving 702 The Force Of Habit Mixtape-Mista by:嘻哈有态度 1.4万 Creature Of Habit Part 1-Bridge by:嘻哈有态度 ...