Look at this put-call ratio example to better understand the put-call ratio calculation. Suppose a trader intends to use the put-call ratio to gauge market sentiment toward a specific security. The following puts and calls were initiated: ...
It measures the amount of put options traded against the number of call options traded in a given period. A high put call ratio indicates a bearish sentiment in the market, while a low put call ratio indicates a bullish sentiment. Put-call ratio calculation To calculate the put-call ratio,...
多空指标PCR即Put Call Ratio,是指期权看跌看涨比,是衡量市场对于标的资产走势看法的重要指标之一,通过比较看跌期权持仓量与看涨期权持仓量的比率,为投资者提供对市场情绪和预期的一种参考.以下是具体介绍:计算方法PCR的计算方式是将看跌期权持仓量除以看涨期权持仓量,即PCR=看跌期权持仓量/看涨期权持仓量....
In fact, many market turn arounds have been preceded by sudden surges in Put Call Ratio, making the Put Call Ratio a reliable leading indicator for market reversals. The contrarian accuracy of put call ratios seem to deteriorate as the basket of stocks involved in the calculation shrinks. Th...
PCR指标,即Put-Call Ratio,是一个衡量市场情绪的重要指标,用于反映看跌期权合约(Put)与看涨期权合约(Call)的交易或持仓比例。PCR指标的计算可以基于期权的成交量或持仓量,通过计算看跌期权与看涨期权的比率来得到PCR的数值。多种因素可以影响PCR指标,以下是其中的一些主要因素:市场情绪:市场情绪是影响PCR指标的关键因素...
The most important of these is the put call ratio. In this blog, we discuss: What is a put call ratio? How to calculate put call ratio? How to interpret the put call ratio? Importance of the put call ratio Table of Contents What is a Put Call Ratio? Put Option Explained Call Opti...
波动率锥与期权看跌涨比率(PUT/ CALL RATIO) 波动率锥通显示不同时间周期历史波动率百分位点,与隐含波动率进行比较,简单来说波动率终究会回归理性。如图所示,横轴表示不同周期时间,纵轴表示波动率,分别表示波动率各种百分位,如最大值、95%、50%,5%分位数以及最小值。注意是同周期对比,比如我们比较30天到期期权...
The put-call ratio is a measurement that is widely used by investors to gauge the overall mood of a market. A rising ratio suggests bearish sentiment.
Put Call Ratio是以期权交易活动为基础的指标,用于衡量市场上买入看跌期权合约(Put)与买入看涨期权合约(Call)的比例。基于买家的利益,PCR指标可以体现市场的看涨情绪和看跌情绪之间的相对强弱。通常情况下,看涨情绪较强时,投资者更倾向于购买看涨期权,PCR指标较低;而看跌情绪较强时,则更倾向于购买看跌期权,PCR指标较...
Put-Call Ratio买入-出售比率出售期权与买入期权交易量的比率,用作评估市场的投资气氛。对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中...