To do well on the practice questions, you have to know the plot of ''Puss in Boots'' in great detail. You must also be familiar with the moral of the story. Quiz & Worksheet Goals You will be tested on the following related to ''Puss in Boots'': Puss' claim on the ogre's ...
"Puss-in-Boots" takes place in Bergamo, Italy and comes to us from the perspective of the title character, a conceited "ginger tom[cat]." Although his native tongue is Bergamesque (an Italian dialect), Puss also speaks French because "that is the only language in which you can purr."...
When a young man inherits his father's cat he thinks it can't get any worse, but the cat wastes no time in proving him wrong. Find out more in this summary of Charles Perrault's 'Puss in Boots', which will also analyze some of the story's morals. ...