We should also fix https://github.com/eclipse/che/blob/master/.ci/cico_common.sh#L107-L110 to use the devstudio-release bot with email address crw-bots@redhat.com And we need to stick this block https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-build/blob/master/parent/pom.xml#L520-L532 into ...
C API for Zenoh. Contribute to eclipse-zenoh/zenoh-c development by creating an account on GitHub.
the more I see that 2 active developers are farfrom being enough for such a big project, for many logical reasons Iwon't enumerate here (one being lack of free time).If we migrate to github, to have more visibility,
I’ve been working on a Wicket project that requires JQuery to be present on every single page rendered by Wicket. I do this by including a reference to JQuery from my base page. However, when I add a wiquery component to a subclass of my base page, it automatically inserts a reference...
Dinothawr is a block pushing puzzle game on slippery surfaces. Our hero is a dinosaur whose friends are trapped in ice. Through puzzles it is your task to free the dinos from their ice prison. - libretro/Dinothawr