As a student I use different PCs and had issues with my keys but thought it was resolved as I created a new clean set and my last project is working well. Unfortunately the error occurred again on a new project. I discovered that creating a new Eclipse project defaulted to ...
在 GitHub 中的合并按钮的情况下,如果问题足够简单,维护者通常可以无需检出代码即可将修复合并进来。降低接受更改的障碍有助于保持活跃的开源项目活跃并向所有人开放。 Fork + Pull模型唯一的问题在于如何将更改归因于用户。例如,一些开源基金会希望确保任何更改都是根据现有的开源许可证进行的(例如 Apache 或 Eclipse)...
run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.TransportException: remote hung up unexpectedly at at
I'm facing some problem with Gitbucket 2.4. I've migrated codebase of my app from SVN to Git and now I'm trying (without success) to push it to GitBucket. Command crashes as shown below: $ git push -u origin master Counting objects: 7594...
I’ve been working on a Wicket project that requires JQuery to be present on every single page rendered by Wicket. I do this by including a reference to JQuery from my base page. However, when I add a wiquery component to a subclass of my base page, it automatically inserts a reference...
We should also fix to use the devstudio-release bot with email address And we need to stick this block into...
Dinothawr is a block pushing puzzle game on slippery surfaces. Our hero is a dinosaur whose friends are trapped in ice. Through puzzles it is your task to free the dinos from their ice prison. - libretro/Dinothawr