high school shooters, traitors dangling from ropes—stops at last in “Heat,” a world bled free of killing as anything else. Mishima’s dog is already dead, just obstructing the flow of water. MC:For me, its pastiche of Scott made it a fantastic closer for TND; it’s right...
starting it now on port 503 分享4赞 linkin吧 战神坦克 Linkin Park部分歌曲意义是在lprussia.com上面的,找人翻译的俄语 papercut,一首关于内心有很多问题的人的歌 one step closer,一首关于不知道为什么而生活的人的歌 wit 分享11赞 紫水晶糖 纲髑吧 ___Trust can always pushing mist。髑髅声音微颤,忙问...