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PushPredicateThroughJoin规则就是针对这两种情况进行的优化,同样,优化的目的是为了把过滤条件尽量下推到数据源读取时,减少数据传输和join时的数据量,从而提升性能。 Spark SQL中的PushPredicateThroughJoin优化规则的实现借鉴了Hive SQL的OuterJoinBehavior实现逻辑,并在此基础上添加了自己的实现逻辑。 为了能全面理解该优化...
During optimization, join predicate push down may be used to generate many transformed queries for comparison. The number of query transformations performed for comparison is managed.Ahmed, RafiLee, AllisonDas, DineshR. Ahmed, A. Lee and D. Das. Join Predicate Push-Down Optimizations. US Patent...
PushPredicateThroughJoin是sparksql中join(包括inner、left、right、full)情况的谓词下推的逻辑执行计划优化器 PushPredicateThroughJoin在处理Filter节点下为outerJoin情况时,会结合outerjoin消除优化器共同起作用Spark sql逻辑执行计划优化器——EliminateOuterJoin【消除outerjoin】 谓词可以下推的前提:不影响查询结果,要保证...
PushPredicateThroughNonJoin是sparksql中非join情况的谓词下推的逻辑执行计划优化器 谓词可以下推的前提:不影响查询结果,即要保证下推前和下推后两个sql执行得到的效果相同 PushPredicateThroughNonJoin优化器处理了6类可以下推的情况 处理Filter节点下为Project节点的情况 ...
To get the same result you need push down predicate. It's not so stable yet. 'set enable_optimize_predicate_expression = 1'. When enabled optimizer move WHERE clause from last JOIN to the first ones if possible. So, much less rows would be selected and results would be much better. ...
Join predicate push down transformations push down a join predicate of an outer query into a view. Among the types of views for which join predicate push down is performed are a view with a GROUP BY or DISTINCT operator, an anti-joined or semi-joined view, and a view that contains one ...
PushPredicateThroughNonJoin是sparksql中非join情况的谓词下推的逻辑执行计划优化器 谓词可以下推的前提:不影响查询结果,即要保证下推前和下推后两个sql执行得到的效果相同 PushPredicateThroughNonJoin优化器处理了6类可以下推的情况 处理Filter节点下为Project节点的情况 ...
To get the same result you need push down predicate. It's not so stable yet. 'set enable_optimize_predicate_expression = 1'. When enabled optimizer move WHERE clause from last JOIN to the first ones if possible. So, much less rows would be selected and results would be much better. ...