code-pushup/cli main 34Branches 185Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Tlacenka chore: update code owners Jun 14, 2024 0a8ed63·Jun 14, 2024 History 994 Commits .github chore: update code owners...
proxyis theHttpsProxyAgent's constructor argumentthat may either be a string URI of the proxy server (eg. http://< hostname >:< port >) or an "options" object with more specific properties. agentis theHTTPS Agent instancewhich will be used in thehttps.requestmethod. If theproxyoptions ...
Create a token to authenticate with the CodePush server using the following App Center CLI command: appcenter tokens create -d "DESCRIPTION_OF_THE_TOKEN" Please copy your API Token and keep it secret. You won't be able to see it again. Install the management SDK by running npm install ...
Synchronize your local repository with the latestmainbranch on GitHub Create a branch to hold your changes Make the code changes you need, and verify them locally Push your branch to GitHub Merge any recent changes from themainbranch on GitHub into your local working branch, and verify that you...
Synchronize your local repository with the latestmainbranch on GitHub Create a branch to hold your changes Make the code changes you need, and verify them locally Push your branch to GitHub Merge any recent changes from themainbranch on GitHub into your local working branch, and verify that you...
您必須先使用現有的 CodePush 帳戶登入,或建立新的 App Center 帳戶,才能開始發行應用程式更新。 安裝 CLI 之後,您可以執行下列命令來執行此動作:shell 複製 appcenter login 此命令會啟動瀏覽器,要求您使用 GitHub 或 Microsoft 帳戶進行驗證。 驗證之後,它會建立 CodePush 帳戶「連結」至您的 GitHub/MSA 身分...
Note: After registering, you are automatically logged-in with the CLI, so until you explicitly log out, you don't need to login again from the same machine. If you have an existing account, you may also link your account to another identity provider (e.g. Microsoft, GitHub) by running...
gitremoteaddorigin Copy Note:Remember, you will need to replace the highlighted parts of the username and repo name with your own username and repo name. In git, a “remote” refers to a remote version of the same repository, which is typically on...
Create a token to authenticate with the CodePush server using the followingApp Center CLIcommand: appcenter tokens create -d "DESCRIPTION_OF_THE_TOKEN" Please copy yourAPI Tokenand keep it secret. You won't be able to see it again. ...因此,我們必須執行此步驟,才能在 RN 0.40.0 或更新版本上使用偵錯或發行以外的其他設定。 +再次按下工具列上的按鈕,然後選取 [新增User-Defined 設定] 將此設定命名為 ,展開此設定CODEPUSH_KEY,併為 [發行] 組態指定預備部署密鑰和生產部署密鑰。 備註 ...