NuovoTeam is the Ultrafast Push-to-Talk (PTT) App for Non-desk workforce. Our PTT Solution that Seamlessly Connects Your Teams Across Any Android & iOS Devices or Networks.
push-to-talk 10年前 README 1.点击录音按钮,开始录音,录音按钮文字变为录音中,再次点击,录音结束并播放录音,文字变为播放中。录音文件保存在sd卡根目录Test/Test.amr 2.点击下载音乐文件按钮实现从服务器中远程下载音频文件并播放。音频文件存在sd卡根目录Test/Test.mp3 3.添加异步下载功能,并且和服务端进行通信...
Push To Talk I am using PushToTalk in my project for using only listing audio. steps :- App Launch :- Create PTT Channel PTT Token :- Send Token in Server App Kill :- It's Automatically restored channel using :- channelDescriptor(restoredChannelUUID channelUUID: UUID) -> PTChannel...
QR-PTT : A push to talk app Why QR-PTT? QR-PTT Push To Talk is an easy to use PTT over IP client, developed for lone workers communication or other colleagues and co-workers interaction. It can be used by companies...
Everything you need to know about the push-to-talk smartphone and computer app, Zello, with instructions on how to use it & where to find the QR code.
Originally published at: Today Nextcloud releases Nextcloud Talk for Android 1.1. This update brings a number of interface and feature improvements to the Android app, including Push...
Voxer Hints at “New Features” Coming Soon for Its Push to Talk App on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone March 31, 2015Josh Robert Nay After making it possible for Voxer Pro users to use voice communication on its web version and taking a dive into space exploration with NASA, it’s cle...
Push-To-Talk (PTT) An introductory guide for businesses Sponsored by Samsung Asia and authored by Tech Research Asia Introduction This guide covers the fundamentals of Push-to-Talk (PTT) including the current state of the market, device characteristics, key players and some of the common use ...
ESChat allows users to communicate on a 1:1, adhoc and Group basis. ESChat provides eight distinct Talk Group types each customized to fill a particular mission. Talk Groups range from the basic Nextel type Group, to Groups for Surveillance, Command, Dispatch, Unicast, Emergency Broadcast and ...