{"key1":"value1","api_name":"PushNoticeToAndroidRequest"} HarmonyTestMessage boolean 否 测试消息标识: false:正常消息(默认值) true:测试消息 详情参见鸿蒙官网 pushOptions.testMessage true HarmonyReceiptId string 否 鸿蒙通道回执 ID,该回执 ID 可以在鸿蒙通道推送运营平台的回执参数配置中查看。 说明...
{"key1":"value1","api_name":"PushNoticeToAndroidRequest"} AndroidMessageHuaweiUrgency string 否 华为通道透传消息投递优先级,取值如下: HIGH NORMAL 需要申请权限,具体请参见:申请链接。 HIGH AndroidMessageHuaweiCategory string 否 作用一:完成自分类权益申请后,用于标识消息类型,确定消息提醒方式,对特定类型...
Discover how you can connect your team with greater speed and efficiency using WAVE PTX, the push-to-talk (PTT) service that has no boundaries.
signal://hostname:port/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ SimplePush spush:// (TCP) 443 spush://apikeyspush://salt:password@apikeyspush://apikey?event=Apprise Slack slack:// (TCP) 443 slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channelslack://botname...
The following example shows the use of the CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync method to retrieve a push notification channel for the calling app.JavaScript Copy var pushNotifications = Windows.Networking.PushNotifications; var channel; function openNotificationsChannel() { var channelOperation ...
After all, they’re there to ‘push’ users to open an app. So, it’s likely you’ll need further communications strategies to hold users’ attention and keep them engaged, once you’ve got them in the app. A push notification platform can also help to develop in-app messaging services...
The notification channel URI is returned by WNS to your app. Your app sends the URI to your own cloud service. You then store the URI on your own cloud service so that you can access the URI when you send notifications. The URI is an interface between your own app...
Push notification, as a marketing channel, is not the same as email marketing. You cannot send any message at any time and hope people will open and read it. A good push notification strategy requires planning for timing and content. You need to analyze your users’ in-app behavior data ...
Note: close() must be called in order to release underlying resources held by the object. Overrides: PushAudioInputStream.close() create public static PushAudioInputStream create() Creates a memory backed PushAudioInputStream using the default format (16 kHz, 16 bit, mono PCM). Returns: The...
Pushover makes it easy to get real-time notifications on your Android, iPhone, iPad, and Desktop.This connector is available in the following products and regions:展开表 ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure ...