and as we demonstrate below, energy resolution may be improved with DD. To understand measured energy resolution, we begin with the inherent energy-loss functionELFof a given sample. This continuous function is first convolved by the energy spreadESof the electron source ...
alwaysexist.Therootcauseistheexistenceofdistinctlocations withsimilarsignatures,whichisafundamentallimitofpureWiFi- basedmethods.Inspiredbyhighdensitiesofsmartphonesinpublic spaces,weproposeapeerassistedlocalizationapproachtoelimi- natesuchlargeerrors.Itobtainsaccurateacousticrangingesti- ...
Ye, "Push the limit of wifi based localization for smartphones," in Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom), pp. 305-316, 2012.H. Liu, Y. Gan, J. Yang, S. Sidhom, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, and F. Ye, "Push the limit of...
The finite element model is characterized by different sub-elements connected in series. They allow to determine the zones, with variable length, where the elastic limit is exceeded, and to account for the principal aspects of the response of RC elements, as the slip of reinforcing bars. The ...
Over the past century, we have been perfecting highly efficient approaches to mobilizing resources. These approaches may vary in their details, but they share a common foundation. They are all designed to "push" resources in advance to areas of highest anticipated need. In education, we design ...
First, with the increasing availability of UAV-HSI, there is a need to determine the utility of low altitude full range HSI acquired under cloudy conditions for which no accurate physical inversion based on radiative transfer models alone is feasible. Use of in-situ reflectance measurements of ...
The current limit of these single switch cycles is about 100mA, which keeps output ripple to a minimum. At greater output loads the LT3470 no longer enters sleep mode, and instead servos the peak switch current limit (up to 300mA) to regulate the output. See Figure 3 for operating ...