到官网注册账号:https://hub.docker.com/ 在本地Linux登录docker: docker login 输入用户名密码进行登录: docker@default:~$ docker login Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to https://hub.docker.com to create one. Us...
step1——找到本地镜像的ID:docker images step2——登陆Hub:docker login --username=username --password=password --email=email step3——tag:docker tag <imageID> <namespace>/<image name>:<version tag eg latest> step4——push镜像:docker push <namespace>/<image name> 可以参考: https://docs....
如果没有,注册一个:https://hub.docker.com 创建好以后,到终端,登陆到自己的账户 输入自己的用户名密码即可 [root@hydra ~]# docker login Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to https://...
$ docker tag [SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG]] [NAMESPACE/REPOSITORY[:TAG]] Example: If your local image is called my-app and you want to tag it for the repository my-namespace/my-repo with the tag v1.0, run: $ docker tag my-app my-namespace/my-repo:v1.0 Push the image to Docker Hub....
-p :在commit时,将容器暂停。 2、查看提交镜像 sudo docker images,看看是否成功将容器转为本地镜像 3、登录docker.hub : sudodocker login 4、打标签:sudo docker tag IMAGE_ID your-docker-id/myimages:v1 5、上传镜像: sudo docker push your-docker-id/myimages:v1...
Push image docker to dockerhub Open Source Projects DockerEngine dockerhub rimelek (Ákos Takács) October 6, 2023, 5:21pm 2 You need to ue your username as a prefix for your repository if you want to push it to Docker Hub. In the first case Docker interpreted skander.msalmi ...
在DockerHub上创建账号:https://hub.docker.com/ 这里我的账号是firewarm 本地下载镜像(这里拿alpine做示例),并为镜像打tag [root@host-30~]# docker pull alpine:3.4[root@host-30~]# docker tag alpine:3.4firewarm/alpine:3.4 登录到DockerHub上 ...
docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]docker push 命令推送镜像的规范是:注册用户名/镜像名。使用以下方法之一命名您的本地镜像:当你构建它们时,使用如下命令 docker build -t <hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>]重命名现有的本地镜像 docker tag <existing-image> <hub-user>/<repo-name>[:<tag>]docker ...
docker push boonyadocker/tomcat-allow-remote:latest 注:推送Docker Hub速度很慢,耐⼼等待,很有可能失败,失败会尝试多次重传,之后断开推送(但已推送上去的会保留,保留时间不知道是多久)。下⾯是上传完毕的输出(多次重传):docker@default:~$ docker push boonyadocker/tomcat-allow-remote:latest The ...
Now that you've updated the to-do list app, you’re ready to create a container image for the application and share it on Docker Hub. To do so, you will need to do the following: Sign in with your Docker account Create an image repository on Docker Hub Build the container image Pus...