推挽式(PUSH-PULL)DC-DC变换器由推挽逆变器和输出整流滤波电路构成,因此推挽DC-DC变换器是属于DC-AC-DC变换器。变压器两个原边绕组匝数相等为W11=W12=W1,副边绕组匝数为W2。 1)推挽逆变器 Q1和Q2 180o互补导通工作 图5-23a、b是和 180o互补导通工作时的波形。当Q1导通时,电源电压Vin加在W11上,当Q2导通时...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a push-pull type DC/DC converter that suppresses occurrence of surge voltage while avoiding generation of snubber loss and on loss.SOLUTION: In the push-pull type DC/DC converter in which primary side switching elements SW 1 and SW 2 operate alternately, ...
Magnetizing Current & Magnetic Unsymmetrical Phenomenon of Push-pull Type DC/DC Converter In recent years,in a broad field DC/DC converter has been applied. However,especially Push-pull type DC/DC converter has some advantage that it can control... K Nishimura,K Hirachi - 《Journal of the ...
Thus, particularly for large capacitive loads, the driver circuit will be considerably faster than conventional DCFL technology, while not causing a significant increase in the power consumed by the push-pull driver circuit.doi:US4724342 ARobert N. Sato...
A push-pull transformer of a push-pull current-fed DC-DC converter is arranged so that the inductance of the primary side of the transformer diminishes equivalently, thereby reducing a conversion loss attributable to a distributed capacitance of the transformer. To equivalently reduce the inductance ...
最后在上述基础上,根据目前VHF DC-DC功率变换器多为单管小功率(25W以下)且非隔离的现状,提出VHF隔离Push-Pull谐振DC-DC变换拓扑,其主要优点包括:1)实现了功率隔离和功率范围的提升;2)开关管的应力被有效降低,并且实现了零电压开关(Zero-Voltage-Switching, ZVS);3)二极管为自然关断,实现了零电流关断(Zero-...
A push-pull transformer of a push-pull current-fed DC-DC converter is arranged so that the inductance of the primary side of the transformer diminishes equivalently, thereby reducing a conversion loss attributable to a distributed capacitance of the transformer. To equivalently reduce the inductance ...
60 V DC 位数 5 绝缘电阻 ≥ 100 MΩ 防插错编码 A - 标准 标准/规范 M12 针式插头连接器 IEC 61076-2-101 符合 冲击,振动 EN 50155:2001 信号类型/分类 通用 状态显示 否 过电压等级 III 污染等级 3 连接方式 压接 导线横截面 0.14 mm2 1 mm2 (柔性) AWG导线横截面 26 18 (柔性) 线径,包括...
6) push-pull-parallel amplifier 推挽并联放大器 补充资料:推挽放大 功放的输出级有两个“臂”(两组放大元件),一个“臂”的电流增加时,另一个“臂”的电流则减小,二者的状态轮流转换。对负载而言,好象是一个“臂”在推,一个“臂”在拉,共同完成电流输出任务。尽管甲类放大器可以采用推挽式放大,但更常见的是...
摘要: Six modes of operation for the push-pull 4c-to-dc converter are presented by taking into account the magnetizing current of the transformer. If the inductance of the transformer is decreased, the region where the output voltage is abnormally high is expanded in the load characteristics....