The Push & Pull Factors of Human Migration | Definition & Example 4:14 Ch 29. Types of Human Settlements Ch 30. Ethnicity & Geography Ch 31. Modern Economic Systems Ch 32. The Economy & Geography Ch 33. Political Geography Ch 34. Impact of Humans on the... Ch 35. Renewable Resources...
Push factors are those that encourage a migrant to leave his place of residence. A migrant is more likely to perceive push factors more accurately than pull factors because he is more familiar with the place where he is living than the place that he is moving too. Push factors include consi...
pull effect (β = 0.031, t-value = 1.745, p > 0.05) on switching intentions, has no significant influence. Therefore, the results do not support H3a and H3b. Therefore, habit acted as a moderating effect that interfered with the effects of push and pull factors on ...
populati Keywords: rural depopulation;rural out-migration;local push factors;GeoDetector;mountains of north Hebei province;China