Why is that important to me? Simple. I have the Berkut-style armpit engine cooling intakes on my cowlings. These sit literally inches behind the plan’s external fuel sumps. This means not only accepting more drag in general, but bringing disrupted, disturbed, burbling air into my engine f...
There’s only really one area where the experience starts to drag, and that’s in a sequence involving a particularly twisted doctor. Still, one thing that never gets tiresome is the audio, which is a real masterclass. You’ll hear objects rattling in the distance, floorboards creaking, ...
I guess I couldn’t leave well enough on a such a good sale that Wicks was having. After doing a bunch more reading, blog surfing and research, I decided to pull the trigger on a pair of AeroLEDs MicroSun wig wag/taxi/landing lights. Although highly unorthodox in a Long-EZ, Iplanon...