amplifier n. 扩大的人,增幅器,扩大器 circuit n. 1.环行,环行路线 2.电路,线路 3.巡回赛 4.赛车道 5.巡回,巡游 6.(法官的)巡回审判 pull on n. 套穿的衣物 a. 套穿的 no pull 零冲力 pull in n. 开车进入用餐的餐厅,沿路休息处 最新单词 common animals是什么意思及反义词 常见动物 ...
CONSTITUTION:In forming a push-pull amplifier circuit with an IC circuit, a current amplifier hfe and a transition frequency fT of an NPN transistor (TR) and an NPNTRQ8 are almost identical. Further, a PNPTRQ7 is used by common base, an output of the NPNTRQ6 is transmitted near its ...
single-edged push-pull amplifier circuit 单边推挽放大器电路相关短语 centretap key (推挽放大器) 中心抽头键控法 Nemag (负有效质量放大器与振荡器) 奈迈 printed plate(电路) 印刷板 hardware lock (电路) 硬件封锁 input gate (电路) 输入门 ceramic wafer (印刷电路用) 陶瓷饰面版 flip chip (集成电路片...
single-ended push-pull amplifier circuit 英 [ˈsɪŋɡl ˈendɪd pʊʃ pʊl ˈæmplɪfaɪə(r) ˈsɜːkɪt] 美 [ˈsɪŋɡl ˈendɪd pʊʃ ...
single-ended push-pull amplifier circuit英文 single-ended push-pull amplifier circuit 中文 【电】 单端型推挽放大器电路最新查询: single-carrier single-chamber single-chamber single-channel single-channel single-channel single-column single-column single-compone single-cut fil single-deck single-decker ...
single ended output amplifier 单端输出功率放大器 single edged push pull amplifier circuit 单边推挽放大器电路 single deged push pull amplifier ciucuit 【电】 单边推挽放大器电路 push pull audio amplifier 声频推挽放大器 push pull computer amplifier 推挽式运算放大器 相似...
PURPOSE:To stabilize push-pull balance up to a high frequency, to reduce distortion and to attain high performance by constituting the circuit that the positive gain and the negative gain are made identical up to a high frequency in case of circuit integration. CONSTITUTION:In forming a push-pu...
PUSH PULL AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT PURPOSE:To reduce the power consumption and to increase the power supply efficiency, by directly connecting the bias element at the collector potential side of the push pull transistor, and by connecting the bias element at the emitter p... O Yoshimi,S Kiyoshi 被引...
沪江词库精选push-pull parallel circuit是什么意思、英语单词推荐 【电】 推挽并联电路 相似短语 push pull parallel circuit 【电】 推挽并联电路 push pull circuit 推挽电路 push pull amplifier circuit 推挽放大电路 quiescent push pull circuit 小屏流推挽电路,低板流推挽电路 cross shunt push pull ...