first commit" good.txt 加入 -m " " 选项后可以不需要进入vim编辑器 5.修改文件后git状态 提交文件后修改文件前的状态: 通过vim编辑器修改文件后的状态: "git add" and "git commit " 或者是直接git commit -a 文件名Git想撤销commit?和(non-fast-forward)的问题 git commit之后,想撤销commit git reset...
git是分布式版本控制工具,不同版本库之间同步需要使用push和pull命令。我们本地开发好以后,就需要push到远程版本库。 但是能否push成功,需要满足条件,假设分支是b1,那么本地分支b1必须是远程分支b1所指向的commit的后继节点。这种现象叫做fast-forward,即只需要做head的移动就可以合并两个分支。 如果说这个条件不满足,...
push forward push in push into push it push luck push money push off push off on push on push one's luck push out push out of push out of (something) push over push paper push paper(s) push past push somebody's buttons push someone's buttons ...
Recently, I wrote about movies I was looking forward to in 2025, and most of them were foreign, Hollywood to be specific. I really wanted to keep it 100 percent Kenyan, but I couldn’t. Why? Because since the Kenyan film industry is “still growing” it’s impossible to talk about ...
Where do we even start - In a way, Trover Saves the Universe almost feels more like a Rick and Morty video game than Rick & Morty: Virtual Rick-ality. It...
3. Tell the A/G Service not to forward the push to my device 4. Tell my device to not accept the push from the service 5. Tell my device not to show me the push notification I imagine it’s 5. Messeage sent. Message “acquired” by 3rd party (definitely not “collected”). Mess...
I am looking forward to our next call. I have an offer on my second property since joining your course and have been talking to investors, realtors, title companies, mortgage brokers and sellers constantly. My phone is ringing off the hook. ...
Ukraine Targets Russia’s Big Guns to Blast a Path Forward; Kyiv’s military has honed its systems for finding and destroying Russian artillery. But Russia is also adapting. Matthew Luxmoore – The Wall Street Journal At a Ukrainian control room, notifications ping onto a screen as a U.S....
By the light of the silvery moon - Every now and again, it's nice to just play a game that makes you smile. In between all the games about shooting and killi...
idea上面显示Back 和 forward标识 方法1:使用快捷键: 回到上一步 ctrl + alt + <-(左方向键) 回到下一步 ctrl + alt + ->(右方向键) 方法2:在界面显示: View -> 勾选ToolBar 方法3(推荐): (1)Preferences -> Appearance & Behavior -> Menus and Toolbars -> Navigati... ...