push command (NuGet CLI) Article 22/02/2023 5 contributors Feedback In this article Usage Options Examples Applies to: package publishing • Supported versions: all; 4.1.0+ required for nuget.orgImportant To push packages to nuget.org you must use nuget.exe v4.1.0+, which ...
PowerShell Copy PS C:\> Push-Location ~ -StackName Stack2 PS C:\Users\User01> Pop-Location -StackName Stack2 PS C:\> The first command pushes the current location onto a new stack named Stack2, and then changes the current location to the home directory, represented in the command ...
In push mode, the user initiates configuration processing via theStart-DscConfigurationcmdlet. This commandimmediatelyapplies the configuration to the target, which can be specified by the –ComputerNameparameter of the Start-DscConfiguration DSC cmdlet. By default, this cmdlet uses the files in the ...
for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("!emoji[%emoji_choice%]!") do set "selected_emoji=%%a" :: 获取自定义类型 powershell -Command "$custom_type = Read-Host '请输入提交类型'; $custom_type" > "%TEMP%\custom_type.txt" set /p custom_type=<"%TEMP%\custom_type.txt" del "%TEMP...
I installed git bash. Later added to the path, and all seems to work, except when pushing the files at the exact moment of introducing the password the keyboard become unresponsive every time using cmd, cmder or powershell. Still git bash works fine....
The git push <remote> <branch> command will push our local changes from the specified local branch to the remote repository. If the branch does not exist in the remote repository, Git will create the branch and publish our commits. The git push <remote> --force command will force a push...
Delete all artifacts in the graphSupport for the OCI v1.1 Specification enables deleting the graph of artifacts associated with the root artifact. Use the oras delete command to delete the graph of artifacts (signature, SBOM and the signature of the SBOM)....
Error (1): An internal error caused this command to fail. Please file a bug report at https://github.com/isomorphic-git/isomorphic-git/issues with this error message: Index file is empty (.git/index) git version : 2.41.0.windows.1 sfdx v...
Delete all artifacts in the graphSupport for the OCI v1.1 Specification enables deleting the graph of artifacts associated with the root artifact. Use the oras delete command to delete the graph of artifacts (signature, SBOM and the signature of the SBOM)....
Step 16.Log in to the Remote SCP server with the newly created user to have the profile directory created. Note: If you have OpenSSL installed on your Remote SCP server, skip tostep 19. Step 17.Open PowerShell with Administrator privileges (Run as Administrator) and run t...