创建远程仓库的时候,如果你勾选了Initialize this repository with a README(就是创建仓库的时候自动给你创建一个README文件),那么到了第九步你将本地仓库内容推送到远程仓库的时候就会报一个failed to push some refs tohttps://github.com/guyibang/TEST2.git的错。 这是由于你新创建的那个仓库里面的README文...
10 Cannot push git to remote repository: (SSH error) 3 I am trying to git push heroku but have been getting the same error below 0 Git push heroku error 3 Getting error when trying to git push to remote branch (Heroku) 13 'git push heroku master' command returns 'fatal: Could...
git push一直提示输入用户名及密码 “fatal: Could not read from remote repository” 问题1 原因: 是因为git使用https协议,每次pull, push都要输入密码,而如果采用ssh协议 (当使用了http的方式clone代码到本地,相应的,也是使用http的方式将代码push到服务器,就出现这个问题) 解决方式: 解决办法很简单,将http方式...
remote: (?) Learn how to resolve a blocked push remote: https://docs.github.com/code-security/secret-scanning/pushing-a-branch-blocked-by-push-protection remote: remote: (?) This repository does not have Secret Scanning enabled, but is eligible. Enable Secret Scanning to view and manage det...
GitLab: You are not allowed to push code to this project. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 1. 问题追踪过程 1.1 查看项目角色 第一步,因为这个项目不是自己日常维护的,就去查看下自己的角色。 看下是不是...
在用idea的git push项目到gitee时出现“ Could not read from remote repository.”错误 修改配置的SSH executable 看到报错信息后进行一系列的查找方案解决问题,包括修改配置的SSH executable为Native(大致意思是使用本机的公钥) 仓库加公钥 以及重新查看Gitee仓库是否加了公钥(我加了0.0)... ...
git config user.email 1. 查看一下邮箱 ssh -T git@github.com 1. 用ssh 连接一下 git 仓库,看看你现在到底是用哪个用户登录的… 检查了之后发现,原来是我自己使用了错误的用户,所以才没办法往远程的仓库 push 代码… (手动滑稽)(逃 我当时用的是 github 的 git shell,后来换成 git bash ,重新设置了...
git push 报错:deploykey does not support push code DeployKeydoesnotsupportpushcodefatal:Couldnotreadfromremoterepository.这是公钥配错位置了!无论是码云还是github都在头像那个位置配置公钥。 码云: github:设置公钥的正确位置! 1配置自己的账号 2生成公钥 3在远程仓库配置公钥 注意按照上图的位置配置远程仓库的...
It's advisable to click 'No' when Visual Studio Code asks for permission to periodically run 'git fetch', as it's not always necessary. Learn how to efficiently create a remote repo on GitHub, upload your local repository, and push your changes for effective collaboration with other developer...
$>git --version Expected output git version 2.28.0.windows.1 Use the command below to avoid prompt of git credentials every time and set it at global level $>git config --global credential.helper wincred This will push your code to git repository $>git push origin master Try again,...