1、初始化输入下面的代码 在项目根目录生成一个隐藏的.git文件夹 git init 2、将所有文件提交到本地仓储 (注意:点 前面有个空格) git add . 3、提交到分支 git commit-m "描述描述" 4、设置好提交地址 git remote add originhttps://github.com/chu/taro.git 发现这种写法无法提交 删除 git remote rmori...
I find there is 1 package named 'husky' in package.json, it is the root cause of the 'pre-push' and make the lint worked in progress of pushing. After I npm unistall it from my project, I can push my code to github now. Thanks for your support~ wdajun closed this as completed ...
Now, you are ready to push your code to GitHub!How to Push to GitHubBefore you can upload your code to GitHub, you need to create a remote repository in your GitHub account.Using Git on the Command LineIf you're working with Git on the Command Line, you'll have to open the GitHub...
[rejected] master -> master (fetch first) error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/GEORGE1256/WAREHOUSE' hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do hint: not have locally. = git pull -- reabse origin master 原因: 本地没有update到最新版本的项...
1、首先为了防止每次都需要输入GitHub账号密码进行数据push,我们采用配置SSH的方式 先在本地初始化一个仓库 2、如果你没有 Github 可以在官网https://github.com/注册。 由于你的本地 Git 仓库和 GitHub 仓库之间的传输是通过SSH加密的,所以我们需要配置验证信息: ...
7、出现错误 failed to push some refs to ‘’ $ git push -u origin master To github.com:qweqwe/Test.git ! [rejected] master -> master (fetch first) error: failed to push some refs to 'github.com:qweqwe/Test.git' hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you...
01-25· 江西 回复喜欢 推荐阅读 增强Git 的最佳 VS Code 扩展 Solid Rock 【全网最全面】VS Code使用Git可视化管理源代码详细教程 追逐时光者 VS Code 1.69 发布!解决Git合并冲突,3-way merge editor 来了! 韩骏发表于玩转VS ... 两个半小时掌握Git,Gitee和Github这三个代码管理工具的使用 天狼IoT打...
"scripts": { "deploy": "pushcode" } 添加项目仓库配置文件 (可选) 在项目根目录新增.git_pushcode_config.js文件,内容格式如下: // 测试环境仓库地址 const dev_url = '' // 预上线环境仓库地址 const preonline_url = '' // 线上环境仓库地址 const online_url = '' // 脚本根据本地分支自动...
In the above code, origin is the remote name, and the remote URL is "https://github.com/Olivia-Smithcoder100/FaceDetection.git". You can see the remote as GitHub in this case, and GitHub provides the URL for adding to the remote repository. 9. Push the code in your local repository...
Clone the Repository: git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/code-push.git Building Run npm run setup to install the NPM dependencies of management SDK. Run npm run build to build the management SDK for testing. Run npm run build:release to build the release version of management SDK. Run...