The Push Metagrip stabilises the basal joint of the thumb (CMC-1) and places the thumb in a functional position. This guarantees optimal hand function and reduces such symptoms as pain and loss of strength. More about the Push CMCMore about the Push Metagrip ...
Push Braces is active in the field of orthopaedics. We are committed to maintaining competence in the treatment of injuries and chronic disorders.
Push® MetaGrip®矫型功能性拇指CMC支撑护套 本产品是一个可调节的拇指及腕掌关节矫正护套,可根据个体情况进行调节,在手部进行抓、握、捏等动作时保持腕掌关节的稳定 收紧金属嵌片,放松大鱼际肌进行形状调整。 低轮廓设计,减小了包裹手掌的面积,使您可以进行日常家务及休闲活动。
Push® MetaGrip®矫型功能性拇指CMC支撑护套 本产品是一个可调节的拇指及腕掌关节矫正护套,可根据个体情况进行调节,在手部进行抓、握、捏等动作时保持腕掌关节的稳定 收紧金属嵌片,放松大鱼际肌进行形状调整。 低轮廓设计,最大程度减小了包裹手掌的面积,使您可以进行日常家务及休闲活动。 简约设计,卓越功能...