When the user chooses a pushbutton, the PAI event is triggered. The function code of the pushbutton is assigned to the screen field ok_code , which is then passed onto the ABAP field with the same name. The module user_command_0100 is then processed. ...
PushButton (position) "@id\Qquickinfo@text" Here id is the short name of an SAP icon, quickinfo is the quickinfo string and text is the pushbutton text. You will find a list of all SAP icons in transaction ICON, and a list of all icon short names in the ABAP program <ICON> ...
button1 = 'Button 1'. button2 = 'Button 2'. Selection Screen Output If Button 1 is clicked then we get the following popup. Even we can add icons to the pushbuttons on selection screen. TYPE-POOLS: icon.TABLES sscrfields.*---* *Selection-Screen *---*SELECTION-SCREEN: PUSHBUTTON /2...
然后回到 ABAP Webdynpro 应用,输入 Web Socket 服务器的名称 YWSP_TEST, 点击 Connect 按钮,上图的 ABAP 断点触发。 然后回到 ABAP Webdynpro 应用的浏览器窗口,按 F12 启动开发者工具,在 JavaScript 编写的 connect 函数的第一行设置断点。 接着在 ABAP 调试器里按 F8 结束执行,然后设置在 JavaScript connect...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity Hi Gompa, Please try the below code for pushbuttons. You don't need to define a new screen for your requirement. You can do it on the same screen(1000). SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK block1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-001. SELECT-OPTIONS : s_matnr ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Copy and paste the below code: selection-screen : begin of block b1 with frame no intervals. selection-screen : begin of line. selection-screen : pushbutton 2(10) Button1 user-command cl1. selection-screen : pushbutton 12(10) Button2 user-command...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi To create a pushbutton on the selection screen, you use: <b>SELECTION SCREEN PUSHBUTTON [/]<pos(len)> <push> USER-COMMAND <ucom> [MODIF ID <key>].</b>The [/]<pos(len)> parameters and the MODIF IF addition have the same function as for ...
使用ABAP 实现 TCP Socket 编程 (1) - 客户端部分的实现 使用ABAP 实现 TCP Socket 编程 (2) - 服务器端部分的实现 使用ABAP 实现 Web Socket 编程 - 服务器端部分的实现 上一篇文章提到,SAP 发布了一个标准的 ABAP Webdynpro 应用 WDR_TEST_APC_WSP,可以用来作为 Web Socket 客户端使用,测试我们通过 APC...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP NetWeaver Application Server With the brand new NW AS ABAP 7.4 SP5 we are adding a new possibility for ABAP Developers to leverage HANA capabilities ( New ABAP for HANA features in SAP NW 7.4 SP5 ). The whole ABAP for HANA story began last year...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Kaushal, Just check the code and try to implement it. Create the push buttton in the PF_STATUS and activate it assign a function code(FCODE) to the push button. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = g_repid i_call...