flutter 默认有两种路由(静态路由和动态路由) 对应的RouterName也有两种方式进行申明,*静态路由在注册的时候就进行了申明,默认MainPager 为(“/”)*动态路由是当你打开这个Route的进行设置的(RouteSettings.name="pagerName") 上面图示采用以下方式就行打开页面 Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil(context,MaterialPageRoute(bui...
popUntil是里边有一个判断;maybePop经常用于if语句判断,判断是否可以导航,再做后续操作;【pushAndRemoveUntil与pushNamedAndRemoveUntil区别】pushAndRemoveUntil是面向普通路由,pushNamedAndRemoveUntil面向命名路由;【push与replace区别】push推送时替换,replace直接替换; ...
If you find this problem please file a new issue with the same description, what happens, logs and the output of 'flutter doctor -v'. All system setups can be slightly different so it's always better to open new issues and reference the related ones. Thanks for your contribution.github-...
template=2_bug.ymlThe relevant error-causing widget was:MaterialApp MaterialApp:file:///home/vargab95/workspace/vargary/babybloom/lib/main.dart:94:18When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:#2 NavigatorState.build (package:flutter/src/widgets/navigator.dart:5609:12)#3 StatefulElement.bu...
dependencies:wonderpush_flutter:^2.0.0wonderpush_fcm_flutter:^1.0.1 Also make sure to remove thefirebase_messagingdependency if you have it. Open a Terminal window in your flutter project directory and type: flutter pubget Let's editlib/main.dartto trigger a push notification prompt. You'll ...
Flutter Service Introduction Version Change History Development Guide Development Process Preparations Preparing the Development Environment Configuring App Information in AppGallery Connect Integrating the Map Kit Plugin for Flutter Client Development Adding Permissions Creating a Map Interacting ...
我假设您已经有一个项目,否则请使用flutter create创建一个。 Xcode功能 在您的目标中选择“Runner”,通过点击+功能添加通信通知功能。这是显示通信通知所需的。 Info.plist的调整 打开ios\Runner\Info.plist 文件,并添加键值对 NSUserActivityTypes 和INSendMessageIntent。这允许我们使用 SendMessageIntent,因为我们...
Create a cross-platform Flutter application. Configure the native Android project for push notifications. Configure the native iOS project for push notifications. Test the solution. Prerequisites To follow along, you require: An Azure subscription where you can create and manage resources. The ...
‘'package:flutter/src/widgets/navigator.dart':断言失败:第3075行pos 7:'!hasPage || isWaitingForExitingDecision’ 只有Navigator.push可以工作。在Flutter 2之前,它是工作的。 代码语言:javascript 复制 Navigator.pushAndRemoveUntil( context, PageRouteBuilder( transitionDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: ...
Fill the Key ID, Team ID and Bundle ID if necessary. Check their values if they are pre-filled. Click Save. Step 3. Create the notification service extension 🚧 If you're using React Native, Flutter, Cordova or Ionic, make sure to follow the steps specific to your platform: React Nat...