push all the (right) buttons的意思是“to successfully cause a reaction or emotion in someone, especially when this makes them do what you want”,即“做得面面俱到以讨好人”。人们通常用这个习语来表示成功地做某事来取悦另一人,当你想用英语形容做某事面面俱到以此来讨好别人,就可以用这个习语来形...
push all the (right) buttons 释义 Idiom a new satirical comedy show that pushes all the right buttons一出新的极尽搞笑之能事的讽刺喜剧 随便看 storage storage storage-heater storage heater storageheater storages store store-brand store brand storebrand store-card store card storecard storecards st...
press/push (all) the right buttons to get what you want by behaving in a clever way 每一步都走得很对 She seemed to push all the right buttons. 她好像步步正确,一路顺利。 Examples from the Corpus press/push (all) the right buttons• He pushed all the right buttons.• These are wo...
Remote-Control Freaks Can Push All the Buttons They Want.Felps, Paula
Bacterial Short Chain Fatty Acids Push All The Buttons Needed To Reactivate Latent Viruses 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者:F Ye,J Karn 摘要: The genomes of herpesviruses and HIV become silent during latency through multiple chromatin silencing mechanisms including: histone deacetylation, repressive...
push all the right buttons 释义 请查阅词条:press/push (all) the right buttons 随便看 guardvan Guatemala guatemala-city Guatemala City guatemalacity guatemalan Guatemalan guatemalans guava guavas gubbins gubbinss gubernatorial Gucci guerilla guerillas Guernica Guernsey guernseys guerrilla guerrilla gardener gue...
Santi'sbigbrotherLenhadtoldhimnevertopushalltheremotecontrolbuttonsatthesametime. Hesaidthatsomethingterriblewouldhappenifhedid. Santididn'treallybelievethis. WhileLenwasoutoftheroom, Santijumpeddownonthesofawiththeremotecontrolinhishand. For a while, hechangedfromchanneltochannel, lookingforsomething...
press/push (all) the right buttons meaning, definition, what is press/push (all) the right buttons: to get what you want by behaving in a cl...: Learn more.
push the buttons 按按钮 例句 1.Please enter your password and push the buttons again.请输入密码,再按一次。2.Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.按按钮,然后假装触电了。笑一笑,回去接着按,接着电。3.By clicking on the push ...
英语翻译Santi’s big brother Len had told him never to push all theremote control (遥控器) buttons at the same time.He said that something terriblewould happen if he did.Santi didn’t really control in his hand.For a while,he changed fro