9.2K The United Nations (UN) is an international organization tasked with assisting in international peace, often settling disputes between nation-states and preventing larger conflict. Learn the history of the UN's inception and the scope and structure in which they operate today. Related...
What was a common goal of the Eight Nation Alliance? What was the United Nations' stance on apartheid? What was the objective of the Cabinet Mission? What was the purpose of the Council of Trent? What is the primary purpose for all government? What did the White League want? What was ...
These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations . Iste derectos e libertates non potera , in necun caso , esser exercite in opposition al scopos e al principios del Nationes Unite . Universal Declaration of Human Rights...
A woman hears a voice while intoxicated that changes her life. Watch On Demand TPi - Against All Odds TPi - Music To My Ears TPi - From Captivity to Freedom: The Journey of the First Africans to America
General Council held a meeting a day in advance, aiming at approving a draft decision to improve the Appellate Body's function. However, despite opposition from 163 countries, the United States blocked the draft for the 29th time with its veto, leading ...
that God wants to be included in the affairs of this nation. The presence of the Ten Commandments provides an opportunity for people to think about God. Ultimately, the Ten Commandments displayed in public places has the potential to lead people to an awareness of their need for Jesus Christ...
State of the Union refers to the annual address given by the U.S. president to Congress about the nation's goals, accomplishments, health, and more. What is the purpose of the State of the Union address? The purpose of the State of the Union address is to receive updates from the ...
The United States has a federal form of government, meaning that the government is a limited union of the different states. Unlike a nation-state where the national and state government is the same entity, the United States is made up of quasi-independent states that are united by the centra...
One of the original goals of the Arab League was to prevent the breakup of Palestine via the creation of the Jewish state of Israel, as the organization recognizes Palestine as a separate nation. The League's position on Israel since has been inconsistent. In 2019, it denounced Israel's pla...
A trade sanction is a trade penalty imposed by a nation or a group of nations on another country to punish it or change a particular policy.