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Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted Suleika Jaouad |Suleika Jaouad (2021) Support big ideas through TED Membership TED Membership is the best way to support and connect with the big ideas you love from TED. Members can access exclusive live events with TED speakers, network ...
The Power of Purpose, John O’Brien and Andrew Cave, Pearson, 2017 Core: How A Single Organising Idea Can Change Business for Good, Neil Gaught, Routledge, 2017 Start with Why, Simon Sinek, Portfolio Penguin, 2009, see also his TED talk:https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_grea...
I saw the tears well up as Boyd absorbed the sad news. I suggested that we rearrange the schedule so he could take a break and deliver his TED Talk later in the day. But he assured me he was ready to go, and asked if he could mention the news to the audience. Of course, I sai...
The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness. DEEPAK CHOPRA We are still a work in progress , so thank you for your patience. The Magic of Life The only difference between people who live in this way, who live inthe magic of life, and those who don't is that the people who li...
Here’s a round-up of interwebs reading from the past few weeks:Mushrooms are not at the top of my favorite foods list but, above, see why they are now at the top of my favorite things to watch a timelapse video of. Shot by cinematographer Louie Schwartzberg (watch his TED Talks) ...
Writing a book is a laborious process. In the age of TED Talks and TikTok videos, why write a book? I never intended to write a book. I actually started writing policy papers on how to advance women in the corporate world so that there can be more women CEOs or more senior executives...
Then one day, in the middle of one of our talks, he blurted out:“I’m bad at everything! I’m a horrible person!” My heart sank. He wasn’t just hearing correction—he was absorbing it as proof that hewasn’t good enough. And in that moment, I realized I wasn’t helping hi...
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. - Sydney Harris【转发】@Webinterpret易境商:教育的目的就是把镜子变成窗户。 — 西尼·哈里斯
AdamLeipzig.comIn the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local...