Why were you born? We all hope that our lives have meaning, though most are still searching for the purpose of life. What does God intend for us and our future?
To Be Relevant –In recent years this has actually been a longing of mine, before the Lord. After retiring from a full and satisfying ministry life, with all our children grown and on their own, my days got very quiet. I didn’t know what to do with them. The calls to join this ...
Have you ever asked, “What is my purpose in life?”You aren’t alone. Many people go through life feeling discouraged about themselves and thinking they don’t have a purpose in life. But that’s not true. Whoever you are—whatever your life experiences, talents, physical ability,...
We literally live in, on, and through the breath of God. Everything was created as God spoke them into existence—including you and me.Let’s personalize verse 9, making it our prayer and our declaration: “For He spoke my name, and it was done; He commanded the plan for my life, ...
When we enter the waters of baptism, we’re proclaiming the gospel message. Being raised up out of the water expresses our new life in Christ and our union with Him. Baptism represents a statement of declariing ourselves new in Christ, just as Jesus was
“dirty face” condition remains. Washing the mirror or taking it away does not clean the face. God’s law is like a mirror. When gazed into it shows man’s true condition. Ignoring or rejecting the law does not take away our condition of sin. When facing the standard of God’s holy...
Still others seek to fill the void in social and financial status. Many seek it in fulfilling the pleasures of life. If it feels good, do it. There are many paths, but they do not all lead to the same end. Just because something seems right for you, doesn’t mean it is right. ...
Where my eggs start to scramble is when I think of a God that holds the stars in place and wants to know me in a personal way, not in the same way some people know us as someone they work with or someone they know from from the bar type of thing. But instead the way our closes...
OUR PURPOSE (THE REASON WE WERE CREATED) IS TO BE THE IMAGE OF GOD; CHRIST; TO BE A SHOWCASE OF THE POWER AND MAJESTY OF GOD. This is the purpose of all purposes and the cause of all causes. Nothing glorifies God than we becoming like Christ; for Christ is the EXPRESS IMAGE of ...
For us, prayer is not an escape from the world’s needs but the wellspring from which we draw the strength to engage with those needs fully. It is in prayer that we encounter the heart of God and are empowered to reflect His love in our interactions with others. ...