Recommendation II of this Group proposed that: "the ICRC be invited to prepare, with the assistance of experts in IHL [international humanitarian law] representing various geographical regions and different legal systems, and in consultation with experts from governments and international organisations, ...
International Humanitarian LawComplianceNorm Development ProcessesMillions around the globe are affected by the actions of non-state armed groups (NSAGs). Like states, NSAGs are bound by international humanitarian law (IHL) anHeffes, Ezequiel
IHLtemporal scope of applicationenf of applicationenf of armed conflictinternational armed conflictnon-international armed conflictgeneral close of military operationsThis article discusses the elements that help to determine the moment at which International Humanitarian Law ceases to apply....
The contemporary propensity for, and risk of, armed conflict taking place among the civilian population has cast a new light on several long-standing challenges to the application of international humanitarian law (IHL). One is the determination of combatant status and, more specifically, the ...