ChristianityWorld ViewsQuality of Working LifeFamily Work RelationshipFaculty College RelationshipThe research reported in this study focused on women in an institution of Christian higher education. The study utilized in-depth interviews to explore certain work/life influences including cultural demands, ...
In marriage аrе соntаіnеd the fіvе bаѕіс іnѕtіtutіоnѕ, аll the bаѕіс tаѕkѕ, of society: 1) family, 2) сhurсh, 3) ѕсhооl, 4) mаrkеtрlасеаnd 5) gоvеrnmеnt. Thеѕе fundаmеntаl tаѕk...
family, and helping others. Unfortunately, I also took to heart all the teachings, bible quotations, and comments from clergy and family that told me that despite being told that I was “beautifully and fearfully
Christianity tells us basically the same thing. It tells us that it will be more difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven. It tells us that we should “sell all thou hast and give it to the poor,” an i...
“Christianity as it currently exists has done some terrible things to men. When it is all said and done I think most men believe they were put on this earth to be a good boy…..Really now, do I overstate my case? Walk into most churches in America, have a look around, and ask ...
Purpose: Fight Human Trafficking, Christianity Grace Phone Bag | Multiple Colors | Designer Bags | Cross Body Purses for Women | 4.5"W x 3.8"H x 0.5"D $79.00 Patent of HeartPurpose: Sustainable Materials FREE SHIPPING Cold Pressed Olive Oil | Best Olive Oil | Medium Variety Extra Virgin ...
Sadly, we live in a world where women constantly receive messages that communicate, “You’re not valuable”:You’re not smart enough for this job or capable enough to earn that amount of income. You’re not skinny enough to fit into those jeans. You’re not attractive enough to date...
We are now a family of six. Yep, our middle son Mason (pictured above) got married this past August. His beautiful wife Chloe is the precious angel we’ve prayed for since Mason was a little boy. She is everything we could hope for and more. God has blessed us mightily! I will ch...
in Him—our spiritual resurrection and union with Christ. It is a visible sign of the inward grace we’ve received, declaring that we are no longer slaves to sin but have been made alive in Christ Jesus. It’s a beautiful picture of renewal, commitment, and belonging to God’s family....
Why is it important to find your purpose in life? Some have derided Christians for being so heavenly-minded that they were no earthly good. But true Christianity and true understanding of the purpose of life is very practical and beneficial for this life. The Bible teaches that this life is...