Such powerful linkages underscore the importance of providing a child and family with the supports needed as early in development as possible to ensure they are set on a positive trajectory. This chapter will conclude with a discussion of the importance of early intervention programs and decades of...
(1998). The National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS) design overview. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.Bailey, D., Scarborough, A., & Hebbeler, K. (2003). National early intervention longitudinal study: Executive summary. NEILS Data Report No. 2. Menlo Park, CA: SRI ...
A b st ract :Parents particip ate in the early child hood care and education programs is an import ant p art of early childhood development intervention programs.J oining in the programs of E arl y Chil dhood Head Start ,C hild Care Movement and F amily A ssistance A rograms,pare...
In this case, it entailed four sessions performed in the class, but it used narrative techniques and fairytale readings in order to facilitate children’s understanding of concepts such as autonomy, environmental mastery, positive relations and purpose in life. After this school intervention, children...
The earlier the intervention process is started, the better chances of positive outcomes for the student. Interventions can begin as early as preschool and should be targeted to address the individual student. Programs such as Reading Recovery, DIBELS, and Early Intervention in Reading have been ...
Improvement in personal meaning mediates the effects of a life review intervention on depressive symptoms in a randomized controlled trial. Gerontologist. 2010;50(4):541-54920045873PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 48. Pinquart M. Creating and maintaining purpose in life in old age: a meta-analysis. ...
Promotion of preventive care:A stop-loss provision can incentivize policyholders to prioritize preventive care and early intervention. Knowing that they have financial protection, individuals are more likely to seek preventive screenings, vaccinations, and consultations, ultimately leading to better overal...
This chapter outlines a few of these facets of spiritual life and focuses in particular on purpose and its relationship to well-being and flourishing. An educational intervention referred to as the “Purpose Project” is outlined as one way of helping students grow spiritually and in other ways....
A proliferation of theories, models, and frameworks (TMFs) have been developed in the implementation science field to facilitate the implementation process. The basic features of these TMFs have been identified by several reviews. However, systematic app
The term deregulation refers to the reduction or elimination of government power in a particular industry. Deregulation is usually enacted by government bodies to create more competition within an industry. The struggle between proponents of regulation and those of government nonintervention has shifted ...