This divine purpose is woven throughout the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, and is manifested through God's actions, covenants, and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ.Old Testament FoundationsThe redemptive purpose begins in the book of Genesis, where God creates humanity in His image ...
Ask God to speak to you as you read the following Scriptures. Romans 3:23: All have sinned. Romans 6:23: Eternal life is a free gift of God. Romans 5:8: Because of His love for you, Jesus paid the death penalty for your sins. Romans 10:9-10: Confess Jesus as Lord and believe...
Would love to know what scriptures do you use to backup for yourself or explain to your kids ? Share Threads More Loading... fromhishearttoyours STRENGTH FROM ABOVE Posted onOctober 20, 2023 Happy 8th Anniversary #FromHisHeartToYours🥳 ...
Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life: Scriptures and Reflections from the 40 Days of Purpose Rick Warren The Sacred Romance: Drawing Closer to the Heart of God Brent Curtis He Still Moves Stones Max Lucado Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life ...
A Human Approach to Organizational and Leadership Evolution - Co-create a brighter future with workshops, coaching, training and assessments. We empower individuals, teams, and organizations to elevate awareness, capability, and maturity for lasting g
The New Testament scriptures. The starting point of the world calendar. The Apostles and authors of the New Testament believed her and lifted her up and didn’t leave her out of the story of Jesus. And this was during a time in the world where a woman’s word could not be used as ...
Compassion and charity are foundational principles in many of the world’s major religions. These virtues not only promote personal growth but also contribute to the well-being of society. Let’s explore some profound insights and timeless wisdom from religious scriptures on compassion and charity. ...
Embedded in our oldest scriptures, this mathematical system is not found through premonition. KarmicDNA provides tangible real world wisdom that you can put to use today. Rather than be challenged by circumstances, you can be empowered to master life NOW!
I love how Moms In Prayer teaches us to personalize the scriptures. As I inserted Faith and Logan’s names into the very promises of God, I trusted that even though their senior year ending wasn’t picture perfect, their God was! And His Word stands even when our plans crumble. ...