Outdoor games and party ideas the whole family will enjoy this summer! These easy DIY games and parties are fun for kids and adults alike. Summertime is the perfect time to plan a fun backyard party and play a few of these easy, family-friendly outdoor games. Whether you want to enterta...
Sensorydevelopment aides connections in the brain while providing interesting ways for kids to be curious, engaged, and learning. Sometimes the thought of how tomake slimewith glue and other messy ingredients creates anxiety for adults! Here are some common questions and answers about this recipe fo...
In terms of the quality of its storytelling,The Color Purplemovingly depicts the growing up and self-realization of Celie, who overcomes oppression and abuse to find fulfillment and independence. The novel also had an impact because of its feminist themes and thefrankway it addressesgender equalit...