The Purple Heart is a heart shaped purple medal with a gold border. The front has a profile of George Washington, while the back has the wordsfor military meritinscribed on it. The medal is attached to a piece of purple silk with a silver border. Public Life The observance is also calle...
Purple Heart. Naval Reserve Medal. Organized Marine Corps Reserve Medal. (British) The 1939-45 War Medal. (French) Medaille Commemorative Française 1939-45. (Netherlands) Bronzen Kruis. Philippine Defence with 3 Silver Stars. American Defence Service Medal with 1 Bronze Star. Amer...
“Thanks. The boys’ll be on the way. What’s your name? I’d like to recommend you for a Citizen’s Medal.” “What! And get the shit knocked out of me, too! I ain’t no stoolie; just doing my duty. Besides, I don’t like Gobrinus or his customers. They’re a bunch ...
Purple Heart, the first U.S. military decoration, created in 1782 by George Washington for bravery in action and now awarded to those wounded or killed.