Please view the following page to browse the cell culture antibiotics we offer ( Find additional tips, troubleshooting help, and resources within ourCell Culture Support Center. ...
赛默飞Thermofisher荧光定量PCR仪(QuantStudio 3,QuantStudio 5,QuantStudio 6,QuantStudio 7 ,7500 fast,stepone plus),梯度PCR仪(2720,9700,miniamp,miniamp plus,SimpliAmp,veriti 96,veriti pro,ProFlex三槽), 细胞计数仪(countess 3,countess 3 FL荧光),核酸蛋白荧光计(qubit 4.0),超微量分光光度计(nanodrop on...
数量:-+10 x 1 mL 正品货源 质量保障 商品详情 商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:Thermo 所属分类:细胞生物学试剂 货品编号: Thermo.A1113803 品牌: Thermo 品名: Puromycin Dihydrochloride 规格: 10 x 1 mL 储存条件: -5 to -20°C 产品描述 Puromycin Dihydrochloride is an aminonucleoside antibiotic produced by...
thermo代理商之产品A1113802-Puromycin Dihydrochloride 的详细介绍 上海玉博生物科技有限公司做为thermo代理商之产品A1113802-Puromycin Dihydrochloride的产品销售公司,专业经营原装进口抗体(单克隆、多克隆)、重组蛋白、检测试剂盒、标准品、细胞因子、胎牛血清、细胞培养类等生物试剂以及耗材。 ATCC sigma anatrace ...
PUROMYCIN:Store:FRD : FR in Dark/Protect from Light,ThermoFisher /Invitrogen/ Gibco/ ABI,10 X 1ML
代理*各地约余300种各*,具体有:R&D、IBL、BD、Roche、Sigma、Santa、Tsz、CST、Amresco、Sciencell、Qiagen、Omega、Immonoway、Wako、Abcam、Merk、ATCC、Axygen、Invitrogen、Gibio、Hyclone、Cloud-clone corp、MP、Novus 、 lifespan Exqion、GE 、clontech 、Millipore、 Jackson、Thermo scientific、Dako Biorbyt ...
代理*各地约余300种各*,具体有:R&D、IBL、BD、Roche、Sigma、Santa、Tsz、CST、Amresco、Sciencell、Qiagen、Omega、Immonoway、Wako、Abcam、Merk、ATCC、Axygen、Invitrogen、Gibio、Hyclone、Cloud-clone corp、MP、Novus 、 lifespan Exqion、GE 、clontech 、Millipore、 Jackson、Thermo scientific、Dako Biorbyt ...
4-Hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT, 10mM) • TRIzol(Thermo Fisher) • Chloroform • RNA purificationkit (Thermo Fisher) • Reverse transcriptionkit (Promega) • SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix, 2× (Yeasen) • Ethidium bromide(10mg/mL) View chapter...
Recombinant rabbit Superclonal™ antibodies are unique offerings from Thermo Fisher Scientific. They are comprised of a selection of multiple different recombinant monoclonal antibodies, providing the best of both worlds - the sensitivity of polyclonal antibodies with the specificity of monoclonal antibodies...
All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. United States Select Language: Go 本网站销售的所有产品均不得用于人类或动物之临床诊断或治疗,仅可用于工业或者科研等非医疗目的。 电子营业执照 | 经营证照公示 | ICP备案号:沪ICP备11003924号 |...