Chapter 3. Purity and Dangerdoi:10.1002/9780470773987.ch3persecutionpuritydangerdevianceauthoritySummary This chapter contains section titled: The Fear of Pollution The Powerful and the Poor Deviance and Authority Persecution and 'the People' The Enemy DiscoveredR. I. Moore...
Multicenter evaluation of new instruments for Alzheimer's disease clinical trials: summary of results. The Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study The Instrument Development Project of the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) evaluated new assessments in five domains: (a) cognitive function; (.....
then an agnostic and then due to the pressure of his own ordered thoughts he became a believer. It was “Moral law” that changed his belief. He said the rule of right and wrong, is really a “thing”, it is not made up by us. As it is a thing ...
In the double pipe 31 which is often used at the present time, for taking a countermeasure to the danger of gas leakage caused in the manufacture of semiconductors, its inner pipe 31a with a small diameter for supplying the gas for manufacture of semiconductors is made up of stainless steel...