Purgatory Resort 位于美国科罗拉多州拉普拉塔县,坐落在圣胡安山脉腹地,距离历史悠久的杜兰戈市约40公里。这座四季开放的度假胜地以壮丽的山景和丰富的户外活动吸引着游客,是落基山脉地区热门的休闲目的地之一。 景点附近 美食 景点 Backside Bistro 西餐 直线距离<100m Cosmopolitan Telluride ¥412/人 西餐 直线距离34....
6″ of fresh powder awaits this morning with more snow expected to fall during the day. We have 50″ base, 99 open trails and 38 groomed today! The tubing hill is open 4-8 pm today. McDonald’s Cardboard Derby returns to the tubing hill on Saturday. Whether you’re spectating or te...
If you have questions or need assistance booking your Purgatory Resort vacation, we are here to help. General Inquiries: (970) 247-9000 Lodging Reservations: (800) 525-0892 Purgatory Resort #1 Skier Place Durango, CO 81301 Download our app See real-time mountain reports, view trail maps and...
Does not include Mountain Bike Park access or Mountain Biking. The Mountain Bike Power Pass comes with unlimited uplift access at Purgatory Bike Park, Pajarito Mountain, Brian Head Resort and Lee Canyon through the summer 2024 season, plus access to Spider Mountain through August 25, 2024....
末日山滑雪度假村公寓,步行到缆车站(Purgatory Resort Condo, Walk to the Chairlift)酒店信息 携程网为您提供末日山滑雪度假村公寓,步行到缆车站(Purgatory Resort Condo, Walk to the Chairlift)预订价格查询,涵盖该酒店电话、地址、交通、地图、点评以及拉普拉塔县、拉普拉塔县信息,使您入住拉普拉塔县更放心更省心。查...
(Slope Side Durango Condo at Purgatory Resort!) 44 Sheol St, 拉普拉塔县显示地图 这家公寓位于杜兰戈,邻近滑雪索道,距离炼狱度假村仅数步之遥,距离Lake of the Pines也只有 3 分钟车程。 此公寓距离杜兰哥和 Silverton 窄轨铁路 27.3 英里(43.9 公里),距离阿尼马斯河 3.3 英里(5.3 公里)。查看更多...
入离时间 入住时间: 14:00后 退房时间: 12:00前 宠物 不可携带宠物 预订提示 订单需等酒店或供应商确认后生效,订单确认结果以平台短信、邮件或app通知为准。 支付方式 收起 酒店简介 客房数:80 酒店电话: +1-970-3852100 地图 500 米 放大 炼狱瀑布度假村(Cascade Village by Purgatory Resort) ...