Fast RNA extraction with PureLink RNA Mini Kit The Invitrogen PureLink RNA Mini Kit provides rapid column-based purification of total RNA from a broad range of cell and tissue types. Compatible cell and tissue types include mammalian cells, plant cells, yeast ...
PureLink RNA 迷你试剂盒是一种基于柱的试剂盒,使用标准实验室设备在20分钟内从各种样品类型中分离出高质量的总 RNA。该试剂盒包括无 RNase 裂解和洗涤液,可保护 RNA 免受 RNase了解更多信息 Have Questions? 联系我们 更改视图 货号产品类型数量 12183018A RNA Mini Kit 50 次制备 12183020 RNA Mini Kit 10 次...
快速便捷的纯化柱步骤 PureLink® RNA小量提取试剂盒可从多种细胞和组织类型中快速进行总RNA纯化,一次提取可获得至多1000 µg的纯化RNA (参见下表)。从少量到中量的起始材料可获得高质量的总RNA,且无基因组DNA污染。 简单无毒的RNA纯化 PureLink® RNA小量提取试剂盒结合了异硫氰酸胍裂解的无毒性以及硅胶膜纯...
The PureLink® RNA Mini Kit provides a simple, reliable, and rapid column-based method for isolating high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of sources without the need for hazardous reagents such as phenol. Obtain high-yield, high-integrity RNA from animal and plant cells and tissues as...
PureLink™ RNA Mini Kit,货号-规格:12183020-10 PREPS ***
ChemicalBook 致力于为化学行业用户提供PureLink Viral RNA/DNA Mini Kit的性质、化学式、分子式、比重、密度,同时也包括PureLink Viral RNA/DNA Mini Kit的沸点、熔点、MSDS、用途、作用、毒性、价格、生产厂家、用途、上游原料、下游产品等信息。
LIFE ambion PureLink RNA Mini Kit(货号12183025) Ambion公司成立于1988年,从1989年开始在美国德克萨斯州的奥斯丁市开始运营。公司在剑桥和日本都设有分支机构。Ambion本身称为RNA公司自有其道理,自成立以来它所有产品都围绕RNA的。在RNAi这方面,他们从2001年开始提供相关产品,是zui早提供RNAi产品公司之一。目前Ambion公...
品名:PureLink RNA Mini Kit 规格:50preps 产品描述: The PureLink RNA Mini Kit is a column-based kit used to isolate high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of sample types in 20 minutes using standard laboratory equipment. The kit includes RNase-free lysis and wash solutions that protect ...
PureLink ® RNA Mini Kit Cat. nos. 12183018A, 12183025 Rev: 21 May 2012Pub. Part no. 100003505 Pub. No. MAN0002725For research use only. Not for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.QUICK REFERENCE Directions for purifying RNA from animal and plant cells using the PureLink ...
By incorporating the latest autonomous safety features, an intuitive interface, convenient options for easy cleaning and disinfection, as well as ergonomic advancements, the Herasafe 2025 lets you work to the highest standards and is suitable for most laboratories in Academia, Biotech and Pharma.Prote...