su-2 groupscoupling constantsgravitational fieldsmetricsminkowski spacepauli spin operatorspotentialsThe general structure of the pure SU (2) gauge potentials is calculated in detail. It is shown that the expansion of the gauge potentials about nonvanishing pure gauge potentials gives rise to new ...
Ru: Taiwan Ekusupuresu: With Greg Han Hsu, Yu-Wei Shao, Haru, Aaron Yan. Japan's bullet trains are given the go-ahead for deployment in Taiwan at the turn of the century. Haruka who works at a Japanese conglomerate is sent to Taiwan on an assignment. It
Schroder, Plaquette expectation value and gluon condensate in three dimensions, JHEP 01 (2005) 013 [hep-lat/0412008]; Non-perturbative plaquette in 3D pure SU(3), PoS LAT2005 (2006) 174 [hep-lat/0509107].A. Hietanen, K. Kajantie, M. Laine, K. Rummukainen and Y. Schr¨oder, "Non...
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SUPER JUNIOR跟其他组合不同,他们有着亚洲明星的代表性。SUPER JUNIOR组合是从亚洲各个地区以歌手、演员、笑星、作曲家、模特、MC等方面发掘的12名新人。11月,SUPER JUNIOR正式开始演出活动,组合中的每个成员将展现自己最特别的才华。 组合中最特别的成员是中国人韩庚,他是通过2001年在中国大规模选拔大赛 'H.O.T....
The structures of confining vortices which underlie pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory are studied by means of lattice gauge theory. Vortices and Z_3 monopoles are defined as dynamical degrees of freedom of the Z_3 gauge theory which emerges by center gauge fixing and by subsequent center projection...
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商标名称 SUPURE 国际分类 第41类-教育娱乐 商标状态 初审公告 申请/注册号 67780942 申请日期 2022-10-17 申请人名称(中文) 纯捷国际文化传播(广州)有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省广州市天河区天河路621号1001房之E31 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 1837 初审公告日期 2023-04-...