Water bubble probably has some merit over ashgren, the power difference is quite large. 31. Banette-Mega Band shadow sneak user that can also wallbreak with sunsteel, good cuz half the offensive metas weak to ghost. Kinda competes with scarf pbond gengar now that i think about it. 32. ...
Tera Type: Water / Flying EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Shell Smash - Sunsteel Strike - Baton Pass / Corrosive Gas / Spore - Headlong Rush / Power Trip / Wood Hammer / Last Respects Kartana is no longer the more passive Wonder Guard...
Pokemon PureRed / PureBlue / PureGreen: A purist's enhancement of Pokemon Red/Blue/Green based on the pokered decompilation. - pureRGB/FEATURES.md at master · Vortyne/pureRGB
Prepare the water, add fat and salt to taste; Bread 135 口袋改版资源吧 HeiBaiXYD RPGMAKER 宝可梦游戏 火灰 修改全攻略POKEMON FIRE ASH,先简单介绍一下游戏的优缺点。 优点: 1.因为是RPGMAKER制作的游戏,抛开了ROM容量限制,目前地图更新到阿罗拉。 2.仓库开始30个,后面扩充到56个还是60个来着,足够用了...
Water is manageable though occasionally annoying, but both of the others are like really bad. Fighting is common coverage on MMX like you said, but it's also quite common on many other Pokemon too. While rarely the first option, it's a very good one and one I see very frequently and ...
Being weak to U-turn instead of resisting it like the Steel-type Pokemon above is annoying as well, but just that: annoying. Steelix and Aggron can also take Moongeist Beam from unboosted NDW or Mega Gengar in a pinch, which is nice too. For me, it's a lot of small things that ...
For Kyurem-White there has to be a Pokemon able to wall its moves at +2, even after it dynamaxes. I've found Primarina particularly useful for this as Kyurem-White tends to use Blizzard/Clanging Scales and Earth Power as its attacks. Primarina is Water/Fairy with high Special Defense fo...
Kyogre's only niche over Arceus-Water is hitting noticeably harder and being slightly scarier in niche rain archetypes. Besides that you'd basically always want to run Arceus-Water, which is already one of the worse Arceus formes. Kyogre drops to C- rank. Last edited: Jul 17, 2022 Reacti...
Arceus-Dragon resists Grass-, Water-, and Fire-type, meaning it takes care of Arceus-Grass and niche weather shenanigans for the most part. Arceus-Fighting has an honestly amazing STAB in Low Kick, which almost always has 120 BP in this metagame; however it suffers from Arceus-Flying and...