(1)纯音听力检查(puretoneaudiometry):此项检查为重要及最基本的检查,测试您所能听到的「最小音量」及「最舒适音量」,此…www.chineseaudiology.com|基于4个网页 2. 纯音测听 方法:测定 14名礼炮兵于礼炮鸣放前、鸣放后 3h及 7d血清中SOD和Zn的含量 ,同时行纯音测听 (puretoneaudiometry)检查。www.dictall...
1. 纯音听力检查 ※纯音听力检查(Pure-tone Audiometry) 目的:纯音听力检查是利用不同频率和音量的声音作为刺激音,依受测者对刺激音的反 … www.tw100s.com|基于19个网页 2. 纯音听阈测定 临床测听相关术语 ... pure-tone audiometer 纯音听力计pure-tone audiometry纯音听阈测定pure-tone average PTA 纯音平...
Audiometer a clinical or pure tone audiometer will allow us to test hearing via air and bone conduction AC air conduction BC bone conduction 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱私政策 以Google帳戶繼續 關於我們 關於Quizlet 職涯 廣告合作 身為學生的你 單詞卡 測試 學習 解...
A comparative study on the hearing abilities of about 200 pre-school children was undertaken in order to investigate conformities and differences obtained by test results with pure tone audiometry and the whispered voice test. From these tests it appeared that the whispered voice test is far ...
PURE TONE AUDIOMETRY Andrew P. McGrath, AuD Pure tone audiometry is the standard behavioral assessment of an individual’s hearing. The results of pure tone audiometry are recorded on a chart or form called an audiogram. In most cases a pure tone audiogram is easy to obtain and provides in...
Test instructions need to be... clear, explicit, and appropriate to the patient What are the steps for presenting a pure tone to find threshold? present the tone at 10 dB below where the patient responded during familiarization, if the patient hears the tone go down 10 dB, if the patient...
The present study investigated whether (1) a full range of audiometric frequencies is required to evaluate hearing loss caused by OME in children, or if neighboring frequencies provide essentially the same threshold information, and (2) if different combinations of test frequency pure tone averaging...
Related to Pure tone audiometry:impedance audiometry,speech audiometry au·di·om·e·ter (ô′dē-ŏm′ĭ-tər) n. An instrument for measuring hearing activity for pure tones of normally audible frequencies. Also calledsonometer. ...
Pure Tone AudiometryThresholdModulation FrequencySensorineural Hearing LossBackground and Aim: Among all auditory assessment tools, auditory steady state response (ASSR) is a modern test. Modulation frequency for this test is usually 80 Hz. The purpose of this study, was to examined adult subjects ...