健康和人类科学学院College of Health and Human Sciences 人文学院College of Liberal Arts, Daniels商学院Daniels School of Business 药学院College of Pharmacy 普渡理工学院Purdue Polytechnic Institute 理学院College of Science 兽医学院College of Veterinary Medicine 优势专业 管理,机械工程,计算机科学,工业工程,药...
学院设置 College of Agriculture College of Education College of Engineering Exploratory Studies College of Health and Human Sciences College of Liberal Arts Krannert School of Management College of Pharmacy Purdue Polytechnic Institute College of Science College of Veterinary Medicine 优势专业 管理,机械工程,...
80*iBT or higher College of Agriculture College of Education College of Health & Human Sciences College of Liberal Arts College of Pharmacy Purdue Polytechnic Institute Exploratory Studies 88* iBT or higher College of Engineering College of Science Krannert School of Management School codes: ACT – 1...
普渡大学Purdue University West Lafayette 院系设置: 学校初期以优良工学院及农学院闻名全美,但近年来也在其他领域积极发展,目前普渡大学共有八个学院(college)及十四个学校(school): 工学院(college of engineering) 包括下列九个学校(school):航太工程、生医工程、化学工程、土木工程、电机及计算机工程、工业工程、...
Purdue University is the flagship institution of the Purdue University system, founded in 1869. The campus is located in the small city of West Lafayette – the most densely populated city in the state of Indiana. There are 13 academic colleges and schools offering more than 200 different underg...
普渡大学(Purdue University),又译普度大学,是世界著名高等学府,美国一级国家大学,美国十大联盟(Big Ten Conference)创始成员之一,美国大学协会(AAU)成员,还是著名的“公立常春藤” 盟校成员。普渡大学创建于1869年,是拥有六个校区的州立大学系统,主校区位于美国中西部印第安纳州西拉法叶市。
Purdue is the flagship university of Indiana's university system. It is noted for its exceptional College of Engineering and programs in aerospace and aviation. Also noteworthy is the Krannert School of Management. Purdue ranks in the Top 100 of American Universities, according to U.S. News and...
Purdue was the first university in the world to award a four-year bachelor's degree in aviation.. The school is currently working with NASA and ICAO to develop the next generation air traffic control system that will eventually replace current technology around the world. The school is backed ...
荣誉学院(University Honors College) 商学院(College of Business Administration) 牙医学院(School of Dental Medicine) 教育学院(School of Education) 工程学院(Swanson School of Engineering) 健康与康复科学学院(School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences) 信息科学学院(School of Information Sciences) 护理学院(...