punctuation, spacing, and spelling are all important. Double, triple, quadruple check. MLA has 3 main components: works cited, parenthetical citations, and page formatting.
Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/09 Welcome to the Purdue OWL. 32;• Research and Citation. 32;• Teaching and Tutoring. 32;• Subject-Specific Writing. 32;• Job Search Writing. 32;• ESL. OWL Family of Sites. MLA Form...
Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/09 Welcome to the Purdue OWL. 32;• Research and Citation. 32;• Teaching and Tutoring. 32;• Subject-Specific Writing. 32;• Job Search Writing. 32;• ESL. OWL Family of Sites. MLA Form...
Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/09 Welcome to the Purdue OWL. 32;• Research and Citation. 32;• Teaching and Tutoring. 32;• Subject-Specific Writing. 32;• Job Search Writing. 32;• ESL. OWL Family of Sites. MLA Form...
first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the first letter of the second word in a hyphenated compound word. EX: The perfectly formatted paper: How the Purdue OWL saved my essay. References: The Basics...