cludes two or more works, order them the same way they appear in the reference list, separated by a semi-colon. (Berndt, 2002; Harlow, 1983) Authors With the Same Last Name: To prevent confusion, use first initials with the 12-11-5 下午12:58 Purdue OWL: APA Formatting and Style Gui...
second printing of the APA manual, offers examples for the general format of APAresearch papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page. Formore information, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psycholog-ical Association, 6th edition, second printing....
Cite the Purdue OWL in APA: Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). (Last edited date available at top or bottom of resource). Title of resource. Retrieved month day, year, from http://Web address for OWL resource. Bagby 1
General format. Retrieved from Contributors:Elizabeth Angeli, Jodi Wagner, Elena Lawrick, Kristen Moore, Michael Anderson, Lars Soderlund, Allen Brizee, Russell Keck. Summary: APA (American Psychological Association) is most commonly used to cite...
Purdue OWL 是 Purdue Online Writing Lab的缩写,网站上提供了两种常见的学术论文写作格式的指南以及其他一些学术工作者可能会用到的写作参考资源。 这篇文章主要简述该网站提供的简明易用的APA论文写作格式及风格指南 (APA Formatting and Style Guide) ...
APA格式-Purdue大学 APA FormattingandStyleGuide WhatisAPA?APA (AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)isthemostcommonlyusedformatformanuscriptsintheSocialSciences.WhatdoesAPAregulate?APAregulates:StylisticsIn-textcitationsReferences (alistofallsourcesusedinthepaper)APAstylistics:Basics PointofviewandvoiceinanAPApaper Use:...
This resource, revised according to the 6th edition, second printing of the APA manual, offers examples for the general format of APA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page. For more information, please consult the Publication Manual of the American ...
APA Formatting and Style Guide MACHS Library Paula Fonseca, TL Based on OWL Purdue PPT Presentation The APA (American Psychological Association) citation style is the most commonly used format for manuscripts in the social sciences. APA regulates: Stylistics In-text citations References What is APA...
APA 6th Edition Tutorial from Purdue OwlGeneral Format (cont'd)What is APA
APA格式-Purdue大学 APA FormattingandStyleGuide WhatisAPA?APA (AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)isthemostcommonlyusedformatformanuscriptsintheSocialSciences.WhatdoesAPAregulate?APAregulates:StylisticsIn-textcitationsReferences (alistofallsourcesusedinthepaper)APAstylistics:Basics PointofviewandvoiceinanAPApaper Use:...