Housing Professional 50181.66 S Katherine WL - Alumni Association PAA/PRF/PolyTech 7629.98 Zachary WL - Agronomy Post Doc 33111.62 Brenda WL - LGBTQ Center Support 35038.47 Ashley WL - Hort/Landscape Archi Support 42940.61 Krystal WL - Vet Teaching Hospita Service 33420.41 Mary WL - Ag Economi...
学校是否提供宿舍College offers housing to students 宿舍类型Coed dorms, women's dorms, men's dorms, married student apartments, single student apartments, disabled student housing, fraternity/sorority housing, cooperative housing 学生住校率94% of freshmen, 38% of all students ...
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. Employee Cessation Programs and Resources. Campus Policies and Enforcement. Send Us a Message. Jane Luzar, Honors College,. Gabrielle Bovenzi, Office of Finance and Administration,. Aaron Hart, Housing. ...
Throughout Swanigan's childhood, the family would return to Indianapolis and then go back to Utah in a ping-pong cycle of relocation. The instability left Swanigan's family in long stretches of limbo without reliable housing or food. Per the United States Department...
学校是否提供宿舍College offers housing to students 宿舍类型Coed dorms, women's dorms, men's dorms, married student apartments, single student apartments, disabled student housing, fraternity/sorority housing, cooperative housing 学生住校率94% of freshmen, 38% of all students ...
学校是否提供宿舍 College offers housing to students 宿舍类型 Coed dorms, married student apartments, single student apartments, disabled student housing 学生住校率 36% of freshmen, 9% of all students 住宿要求 未报告 大一新生宿舍保障机制 未报告 校外住宿率 91% 校外住宿援助 Assistance in loc...
学校是否提供宿舍College offers housing to students 宿舍类型Coed dorms, married student apartments, single student apartments, disabled student housing 学生住校率36% of freshmen, 9% of all students 住宿要求未报告 大一新生宿舍保障机制未报告 校外住宿率91% ...