From March 11 to 15, 2024, students from the Purdue College of Pharmacy participated in a TCM program at our university. The program offers a comprehensive TCM experience by combining lectures, site visits and clinical observation, covering TCM t...
教育学院(School of Education):包括Curriculum and Instruction及Educational Studies2个系。教育学院被《美国新闻与世界报导》评鉴为全美大学部排名第三十四。 药学院(College of Pharmacy):包括药用化学和分子药理学系、工业和物理药学系、...
学院设置 College of Agriculture College of Education College of Engineering Exploratory Studies College of Health and Human Sciences College of Liberal Arts Krannert School of Management College of Pharmacy Purdue Polytechnic Institute College of Science College of Veterinary Medicine 优势专业 管理,机械工程,...
COVID-19 pandemicWORLD Health OrganizationDEATH rateHAND care & hygieneMEDICAL masksSOCIAL distancingFreimuth, Alissa M.Cheng, Alicia S.Lee, Rurie W.Noel, Nicole L.Rudd, Trexie M.Krause, Jane E.Purdue Journal of Service-Learning & International Engagement...
Human Nutrition and Drug Therapy (3) - College of Pharmacy 热度: 纪志梁-厦门大学-Prediction of Adverse Drug Reactions药物副反应 via Gene Regulation Network 热度: Poly-pharmacy and Adverse Drug Reactions in the Elderly:聚药和老年人药物不良反应 ...
Daniels商学院Daniels School of Business 药学院College of Pharmacy 普渡理工学院Purdue Polytechnic Institute 理学院College of Science 兽医学院College of Veterinary Medicine 优势专业 管理,机械工程,计算机科学,工业工程,药学,护理学,专业飞机技术,航空航天工程 学校特色 很多学生会选择学校的5年制工程合作课程,这个课...
●药学院College of Pharmacy ●普渡理工学院Purdue Polytechnic Institute ●理学院College of Science ●兽医学院College of Veterinary Medicine ●约翰马丁森荣誉学院John Martinson Honors College ●研究生院The Graduate School 工程学院College of Engineering的史建开端,源于Abraham C. Shortridge就任普渡大学校长时期,在...
Krannert School of Management College of Pharmacy College of Science Purdue Polytechnic Institute(原名College of Technology) College of Veterinary Medicine 其中College of Engineering,College of Science 和 Krannert School of Management最为热门,相应的转学人数也较多。
药剂学院:Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology,Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy Practice。 健康与人类科学院:儿童发展及家庭科学、消费者科学、食物与营养、以及餐饮旅游管理、护士、叙述语言及听力学等等。 文理学院:Brian Lamb传媒学校、语言与文化学校、Pa...
College of Pharmacy College of Science Purdue Polytechnic Institute(原名College of Technology) College of Veterinary Medicine 其中College of Engineering,College of Science 和 Krannert School of Management最为热门,相应的转学人数也较多。 过往转学数据 普渡的官方网站给出的2018年国际生的录取数据:共8936名国际...