购买力平价(purchasing power parity, PPP) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答:购买力平价是指不同国家商品和服务的价格水平的比率。一国的价格水平以一个基准的商品和服务“篮子” 的价格来表示,它反映该国货币的国内购买力。对购买同一个基准的商品和服务“篮子”来说,在本国以本国货币支 付的价格与其在外国以...
We use the Johansen cointegration approach to assess the empirical validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) between the UK and the Euro Area, which we represent by Germany, the largest of its members. We conduct the empirical analysis in the context of the global financial crisis that ...
要了解什么是购买力平价之谜,首先需要弄清楚两个名词:一价定律(Law of One Price)和购买力平价(Purchase Power Parity)。 一价定律指的是一个等质等量的相同价值商品,在各国的出售价格应… 一只耳发表于五分钟经济... 国际金融:购买力平价理论(purchasing power parity) 我们经常听到一个货币高估(overvalued)或者...
Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a form of exchange rate that takes into account the cost of a common basket of goods and services in the two countries compared. PPPs are often expressed in U.S. dollars. Therefore, the PPP between the U.S. dollar and another currency is the exchange ...
很高兴为您解答!PPP(purchasing power parity),您说的这个英文词语在我国中很常见,是属于英文会计考试核心词汇其中的一个,学好该类词汇对您的英文证书考取过程非常重要,这个词的翻译如下:购买力平价。希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
We use the Johansen cointegration approach to assess the empirical validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) between the UK and Germany since the intro
购买力平价(PPP)(purchasing-power parity ,PPP) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 答:购买力平价,是指汇率会自行调整,以保证市场一揽子商品的价格不论是从哪个国家购入的,价格一律 相等。购买力平价说在外汇理论中占有重要地位。一国货币的对外价值是对内价值的体现。该理论在各国放弃金本位制的情况下,指出以国内外...
指不同货币间的购买力比率,又称PPP理论。 这是一种很有影响的汇率决定理论。 最早明确地对购买力平价理论进行系统阐述的,是瑞典经济学家古斯塔夫·卡塞尔。 他在《1914年以后的货币与外汇》(1922年)一书中系统地提出了购买力平价学说。卡塞尔由此被公认为购买力平价说的主要倡导者。 购买力平价理论的核心内容,主要...
We use the Johansen cointegration approach to assess the empirical validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) between the UK and Germany since the introduction of the euro. We conduct the empirical analysis in the context of the global financial crisis that began in 2007 and find that it di...
Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a component of some economic theories and is a technique used to determine the relative value of different currencies. Theories that invoke purchasing power parity assume that in some circumstances (for example, as a long-run tendency) it would cost exactly the ...